Ep: 169 – Validity – How Can You Tell a Good Test from a Bad One?

  • February 12, 2012

In episode 168 I discussed reliability but the real test of a test’s “mettle” – or how confident you can be in the results – comes when you subject it to lots of validity tests. You’ll learn a lot about validity if you take a psychology class. High validity is what separates the many fun-to-take […]

Ep 194: What Do I/0 Psychologists Really Do?

  • April 17, 2013

What do I/0 psychologists do anyway? Are you interested in this subfield of psychology? Well, here are a few things they DON’T do: they don’t do “therapy in the workplace” and they don’t do “motivational speaking“. It’s not what you think. Industrial/Organizational psychology is practiced by professionals who’s goal is to make sure that employees […]

Ep 168: Reliability – the Foundation of Any Good Test

  • January 19, 2012

The Importance of Reliability in Personality Test In this episode, as human curiosity drives us to self-discovery, we delve into personality tests’ reliability. Our innate curiosity pushes us to understand the very essence of who we are. This profound journey to self-discovery has led to the rise of personality tests, tools that profess to shine a […]

Episode 82: What’s the Best Personality to be a Waiter?

  • December 28, 2008

What kind of personality do you need to be a good waiter/waitress? In a previous episode we talked about the tactics: touching customers, drawing smiley faces on bills, crouching down to the customer’s level, etc. But these strategies don’t always work, so what kind of person do you need to be?